Why blending makeup is important!

Hi everyone,

Today I was struggling with a topic to write about then I remembered this incident. This incident occurred yesterday at school. Beforehand I did my nice matte makeup and felt so beautiful and felt so confident then my boyfriend pointed out that I didn’t blend it all in on the side of my face.

It wasn’t wet, but my skin tones were very uneven yesterday. I decided this was a good topic because I wanted to be somewhat educational for you guys, instead of doing the normal product reviews and tutorials. Of course I find this incident super funny because I probably have been doing this ever since I started makeup I just never noticed it! But shout out to my boyfriend (who does read these posts) for letting me know!

But to the point: Before you leave your house for work or school or your other daily activities, always make sure to fully blend everything in all the way, and make sure to put makeup on all of your face or else you will look like I did yesterday XD.

I am sorry for this post to be so short, but I hope you guys liked this story time.

Make sure to like this post and comment letting me know if you want more story times.

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Thank you,

The Complicated Fashion

Ingrown Toenail Hacks That Work and Don’t Work

Hello everyone,

I know this is kind of an odd page because I usually write about beauty and fashion, But this is a fashion and lifestyle blog and I feel like I do need to cover this because a lot of people (myself included) struggle with Ingrown toenails.

For those of you who don’t know, an ingrown toenail is where the toenail grows into the skin, it’s a normal problem that a lot of people get by either wearing shoes that are too small, too tight of socks or cut their toenails incorrectly.

I get ingrown toenails only on my right big toe, and I’ve had some that are mild and some that are super painful. So I decided to share some tricks I have figured out myself as well as found on the internet. So here we go…

1.) Soak the foot/feet in warm water

This one might sound obvious, but it does help extremely. Make sure the water isn’t scolding, but make sure that the water is warm, this will soften the skin around the toe which will make it easier to push the skin back to cut the nail out. It also helps to put epsom salt in the bath with it.

You can buy epsom salt literally everywhere, even at the Dollar Store.

2.) The Cotton Trick

Because of my ingrown toenails getting severe, I personally have tried the trick and it is too painful for my liking. This is what you would do after you cut the nail out. You take a cotton ball and you rip it into somewhat smaller pieces, then you would put this behind the toenail that is still left, this would help the nail grow correctly.

3.) Tooth Pick/Floss

This is a helpful hack. Get either a toothpick or a flosser, but make sure the floss is the kind that is on a stick, and use the very tip of the floss or the tooth pick and gently stick it down the side of the toe that you had the ingrown toenail. This trick doesn’t do anything painful but it lets you know if you have nail far deep into the skin. (If this is the case, make sure to see your doctor or go to Urgent Care so you can get it professionally cut out.)

4.) Tea Tree Oil/Coconut Oil

After you cut the nail out, what I like to do and what helps the most for me is to put either Tea Tree Oil or Coconut Oil on the open part of the skin that the nail came out of. These oils help disinfect if you were to have an infection and it also takes the pain away.

So those are the 4 hacks that I have for you guys, I hope this post was helpful. If you do have an ingrown toenail and if it is inflamed, puffy or puss is coming out, make sure to go right away to a doctor or Urgent Care so you can get it professionally cut out, those are the signs that you might have an infection in your toe. My sister had an infection one time and went to the doctor and they sprayed cold spray to numb it and they just cut it out with like a pair of nail clippers, so it isn’t super bad.

Also, make sure to subscribe to my blog if you haven’t already, my goal is to reach 500 followers on this blog. Make sure to like this post if you like it and comment below or go to our ‘Contact Us’ page if you have future post ideas, or you just have a question or comment for us.

Thank you guys for reading,

~The Complicated Fashion


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