The Secret Behind Easy Halloween Makeup!


It’s 8 days until almost-everyone’s favorite holiday of the year; Halloween. The thing about Halloween grabs interest in anyone; whether it’s the candy, scaring others, people celebrating their dark side or the costume and makeup ideas.

This year a lot of people have been going for the superhero themed costumes. I’ve been looking around on youtube for easy and fun halloween makeup tutorials. I have been watching tutorials that have been on instagram as well as youtube and I have grabbed the concept in almost every video.

Sure, actual makeup artists have done their share of crazy makeup, but also youtubers have shared their versions of this scary makeup using household products. If you have an idea for halloween that is maybe “not scary enough”, just scroll to learn how to take your average Halloween costume and turn it into a badass costume.

Materials you will need for this concept:

  • Toilet paper/paper towel
  • Liquid Latex
  • purple eyeshadow
  • red eyeshadow
  • fake blood (if you want blood droplets/the fresh look)
  • your everyday BB cream or concealer


Procedures for the basic attack look:

  1. Depending on what you want your cut to look like, you will need one to three strips of paper towel or toilet paper. You will roll this so it’s a long skinny piece, if you need to cut it in half, go ahead and do so.
  2. You will hold the strip(s) to wherever you want your cut/wound to be and either have you or a friend take liquid latex and a brush of any kind and apply it all over the strips.
  3. Wait for the latex to dry, if you are in a rush or hurry, use a blow dryer.
  4. Once the latex is fully dry, cover the cut and latex with your normal everyday concealer or BB cream so it matches your face color.
  5. Wait for the cream/concealer to dry before continuing this process.
  6. Take your eyeshadow applicator and take some purple eyeshadow and apply it around the cut area and on to the latex part but not on the strip.
  7. Take some red eyeshadow and apply it in the creases of the strip to add some color.
  8. If you are using fake blood for this makeup, take a Q-tip and dip it in the bottle of fake blood and apply it all over your strip.
  9. If you are not using fake blood, use different shades of red all over your makeup to look like dried blood.

There you go! This makeup concept was inspired by YouTube personality @beautytakenin who did a DIY Dead Disney Princess Video!

Check the video out here —–>


Make sure to subscribe to our blog for more spooky tutorials! Since it’s getting closer and closer to halloween, I am going to be writing daily eye makeup tutorials that are pop culture inspired to give my readers ideas for their casual but fun halloween costumes.

Thanks for reading and if you want to be subscribed make sure to enter your email address or to subscribe using your WordPress account!


Review on Torn Leggings!

Hello my wonderful readers,

It’s almost Halloween time and I am super excited, make sure to check out my Halloween inspired posts and more last minute costumes will be coming soon so stay tuned! Now, getting to my actual post.

Today I went on a small but fun shopping trip to a store called Fashion Q. It’s in a ton of malls but under different names such as Qrew, Q and Fashion Q, sometimes Q-Plus if it’s a Fashion Q Plus Size store. While I was there, they had a table with some leggings that had tears to look like the jeans with the tears. At first I had mixed feelings about these leggings and here’s why:

  1. Leggings are supposed to keep you warm. People who maybe don’t wear jeans (including me) and these may be the only kind of pants that they wear. Or maybe people wear leggings to protect their skin from the sun.
  2. If it was cold outside and someone wore these leggings for some reason, these wouldn’t keep you warm because the amount of slits in the front of the pant legs.


I don’t have an actual picture of these pants, but they were black leggings, you know normal, but on the front side there was a ton of slits going from mid-thigh all the way to the end of the legs. I of course ended up buying them with this one black lace up tank top. These leggings were surprisingly comfortable!

Of course there was some problems getting my feet through because they came out in the slits. I’ve seen torn leggings at stores but they were active leggings and I’ve judged them because I didn’t really think they would be so comfortable. Now, the reason why I brought up Halloween in the beginning was because these leggings looked like zombie pants!

This was just a short post about these leggings I am super obsessed with, if you guys happen to find any leggings like what I’ve described, I recommend you order them because you guys will love them! When I wore them when I tried them on with the shirt I bought, I felt like I belonged on stage at a rock concert.

Thank you guys for reading my blog, I really appreciate all the responses this blog has gotten and the amount of readers also.

Until next week,

The Complicated Fashion