Tips and Tricks: Partnership

I have been MIA from this blog, not only because I am busy with school but also with my slowly growing YouTube channel, (spbeauty323 on YouTube) and also and working on my new original pop-culture inspired apparel business. I have been really wanting to write on this blog, but not sure what to write about. After thinking, I finally got an idea.

I don’t remember if I have talked about this on my blog, but I did discuss it on my YouTube channel several times. A few months ago, or in July, we were in the Emergency Room because my younger sister broke her leg. I checked my business email to see an email that I thought would never happen! I got an email offering me a personalized discount code, to provide to my readers, subscribers and followers on all my social media accounts. I was ecstatic, and now I am a partner of 5 amazing companies that all have something unique to them.

Now if you are reading this page, something caught your eye, and it might be wondering how I got partnered, and personally I have no idea how I did it because I have less than 100 followers on Instagram and on YouTube, yet companies find me. Here are some things I did, that you can do to get partnered with small companies just like I did.

  1. Make a Business email- This one doesn’t sound like anything out of the ordinary, but if you are starting a serious career, such as an artist, company, blog, etc. It is suggested you make a business email, which I did, originally I used the business email for my blog, but now that I have a growing YouTube channel, I created a new business for spbeauty323. However, make a business email using your name and/or your stage name, and it is crucial that you include ‘business’ or ‘biz’ in the email address. Another helpful tip is to make it a short address, and easy to remember.
  2. Promote your Craft- Even though I have barely 50 followers on Instagram, I do attract a lot of traffic- most of the time. If you are an aspiring makeup/fashion influencer, make sure to post a lot of photos and videos showing your makeup skills on yourself and other people, showcase your talent, and don’t forget to use hashtags that are relevant. Hashtags are your friend in making your name.
  3. Get in Contact- It doesn’t hurt to contact small businesses that are starting out, just ask them about possibly becoming a partner for them, and if they are starting out, chances are they’ll say yes, because it’s as good for them  as it is for you. I definitely kept in contact with some amazing people at amazing companies, just be polite and tell them about yourself and what your goal is.
  4. Showcase Your Favorite Products- Showcasing your favorite products help, it also gets the attention of those companies, because they see more people liking their products. The more attention you get, especially if they repost your photos/videos.
  5. Create Content- This one is pretty obvious, but you’ve seen creators posting photos of their makeup products on top of all white furniture right? Even if you aren’t a beauty guru and are interested in being an influencer in a different path, this is still helpful, because it lets you be creative even if you are just showing products in a certain lay out, you can blast your favorite music to get some inspiration, and stage your own photoshoot, just make sure you don’t get shadows in your pictures, because that has happened to me.


There you guys go, I hope this post helps! I really want to give a shoutout to my 5 partners! Mikasa Beauty, Waiiola, For Earth For All, Jolie Beauty, Sand Cloud Towels!

Use my codes:

Use my code SamiPolzien25 for 25% off your entire order at !

Use my code SamiPo25 for 25% off your entire order at

Use my code SamiP15 for 15% off on all orders at ​

Use my code Sami323 for 10% off on all your orders at

Use my code Spbeauty323 for 10% off your order at

Thank you guys for sticking with this blog, I will do my best to post more, at least once a week!

Thank you all for reading and I hope this entry helped you if you are looking for partnership in small companies.

For blog business inquiries please email

For YouTube inquiries please email



Thank you all for reading,

–  The Complicated Fashion xoxo

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